Saturday 13 December 2014

New hanging toys

Our humans must have read my post about the disappearing furniture. Things are much better this week.

First they put the house back to how it was, or mostly so:

There were still gaps where the sofas used to be, but at least the carpet and curtains were back, and the chair with our favourite bed. Except that they referred to it as a 'cat bed'. It seems they like us sleeping there. Hmm.  Time to boycott it and find somewhere else to sleep:

They say this is cute too, but I think we can deal with that.

Then they went out and came back with this interesting black thing. It's cat-sized, but I was suspicious because it looks rather like the purple noisy thing that they sometimes use on the rug:

I was right. They fitted bits of it together and then pushed a switch and it made even more noise than the other one used to.

Still, it came with a very nice box:

The next day, we were just settling down for a nice nap when we heard some of our old family arriving. Should we go to talk to them, we wondered? We decided against it. They are fun to play with, but it was quite noisy and we needed a nap.

Next thing we knew, our male human had arrived home, and we were feeling quite wide awake again. So we hurried downstairs to greet him, and shortly afterwards some more humans arrived. They shut us in another room for a while and when we came out again, what should we see but two nice new sofas!

Sofas are so wonderful for scratching. We were very grateful to the humans, although they didn't seem all that happy about us rushing to sharpen our claws... they can be so unpredictable.

No sooner had we finished admiring the new furniture when we noticed something even more exciting:

Toys! So many toys, temptingly hanging on a green thing that seemed to say, 'Climb me!' I don't know why we felt that urge, but it wouldn't go away.

First of all, though, we had a most satisfying time pulling as many toys off as we could, and rolling them around the floor. We tried eating the green parts - the humans called it a tree, but it was nothing like the trees we vaguely remember from our first home. It didn't taste good at all.

They kept picking the toys up and putting them back again so we could bat them some more... but, once again, human behaviour proved fickle: they seemed to be annoyed. It makes no sense. If they didn't want us to play with these balls and other toys, why did they keep hanging them up?

Later on, when the humans were busy with something else, we had another go at this 'tree' thing. We removed as many toys as we could and pulled it down:

If something is worth doing, it's worth doing thoroughly.

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